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Thursday, 26 March 2015

Silk Skirt (2)

The young girl walked into the tiny bathroom that was actually part of her bedroom. It was created for her convenience, after the accident, so that she could easily access this small but well-organised room. It had a certain style, a kind of elegance and always smelled like cinnamon and tangerine. There was a round sink, a shower and a toilet inside; everything white, except for the apricot coloured tiles. Just above the sink there was a window with a view to the lake.

In her room, black and white portraits were hanged absolutely everywhere, including the bathroom. Even the wall behind the sink was completely covered with old pictures in funny frames. She washed her face and wiped it gently with a fresh and clean towel. Then, she gazed at one of the photos. She liked looking at pictures and spending hours with organising them. Most of her pictures and paintings were kept in various pastel-coloured paper-boxes except for some that she kept hidden, underneath the wooden flooring, right behind her desk. She started to think about lifting up that piece of parquet and having a look inside the box but then quickly changed her mind. The time did not come yet; she thought. She was not ready for it.
picture: Pinterest

So, she went back to her bedroom and took out the watercolours and the brushes. Most of the paints were either finished or really dry, as well as the old brushes that seemed to have been used heavily and many-many times. She wanted to turn her new energies and inspiration into creating something; to start a new painting, perhaps. But how? How could one do anything with these dead paints and brushes? She thought that maybe she could take the courage to go to the village. But how?

-- to be continued --

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